Food for hair Growth

Even as we grow old, all of us strive for strong and healthy crown of hair. Hair growth is constant for all of us but how fast it does that depends on several factors such as health, genetics, age and most importantly, diet.  This is because age and genetics are things that we can never control but there is one thing that we do control- the correct diet.

A Balanced diet with the right amount of nutrients not only helps in keeping our body fit, but it also helps in promoting hair growth. In today’s fast paced life when people eat only what’s readily available, it is good to know the foods that help in promoting hair growth. So, lets take a brief look at them.

Foods that promote good hair health

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  1. Eggs: Eggs are a great source of two main things best for hair health- proteins and biotin. They are also a great source of selenium, zinc as well as many other nutrients. Our hair follicles are mainly made of protein. So eggs provide the building blocks for new hair. Biotin helps in production of keratin that helps in improving the hair health.
  2. Berries: Berries are a big storehouse of beneficial compounds and vitamin C that has strong antioxidant properties. These antioxidants protect our hair follicles from damage against free radicals that exists naturally in our environment. It also helps the body in producing collagen which strengthens the hair and prevents it from breakage by becoming brittle.
  3. Spinach and other green leafy vegetables: Leafy green vegetables should be a staple in every person’s diet considering the number of nutrients they are loaded with. This includes iron, folate, Vitamin A and Vitamin C, all of which helps in promoting hair growth and maintaining better hair health. Image result for hair growth food worst
  4. Sweet Potatoes: A great storehouse of vitamin A and beta carotene, sweet potatoes promote production of sebum in body that keeps our hair in better health.
  5. Citrus fruits: Your body requires a certain amount of Vitamin C for healthy iron absorption. The said vitamin is also needed for collagen production that helps in ensuring regular supply of nutrients through capillaries to hair shafts for quick hair growth. You can opt for oranges or even a chilled glass of nimbu pani to sort your daily needs.
  6. Nuts and Seeds: Loaded with highly beneficial Omega 3 Fatty acids, nuts and seeds help in nourishment and thickening of our hair. These healthy fats cannot be produced by the body, so you need to derive them from your daily diet. Start opting for almonds, walnuts and flax seeds as a mid meal snack to supplement your diet with a ton of healthy fats that not only help your body but also fulfill the healthy hair Vitamin E and zinc needs.
  7. Avocado: Avocados are a great source of healthy fats and nutritious vitamins while being healthy and tasty. They helps in providing Vitamin E and C, both of which are antioxidants that combat oxidative stress by neutralizing the free radicals present in our environment. In addition, they are a great storehouse of fatty acids that cannot be produced by our body but are essential building blocks or our body and hair.

Worst foods for Hair growth

Let us now take a look at some of the foods that you should avoid if you are looking for healthy hair hygiene.

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  1. Diet Soda: There is a reason nutritionists say that diet soda isn’t better than the regular one. This is because the artificial sweetener present in the soda called aspartame has been proven to be linked to hair loss.
  2. Sugar: Adopt the slogan, “Stop The Sugar” if you are looking to nourish your wannabe luscious locks. This is because it hinders the absorption of protein in the body which is super important for healthy hair. Steer clear of foods loaded with sugar for better air growth.
  3. Starchy whites: Going hand in hand with sugar, starchy whites include white bread, pastries, cakes, pasta and other refined processed starches that make our hair thin. So, stay away from those croissants and start looking for whole wheat options wherever available.
  4. Alcohol: A highly degenerative substance, alcohol is one of those foods that do a number on both your skin and hair when consumed. Not only does it age your skin faster, it slows the level of zinc in your body thus dehydrating your hair and making it brittle.

Remember the bottom line, what you eat has a huge effect on your hair health. Your hair’s nutritional needs can only be compensated with a healthy diet. With regards to the energy needs of your hair, there is a revolutionary new therapy called Hair pro laser caps, now available in India that uses Low Level Laser Therapy to rejuvenate and reactivate the dormant hair follicles in order to promote better hair growth. Call your nearest Hairpro expert today to get expert advice on your hair and do not forget to add the above discussed nutrients in your diet for additional help.

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