Our Story

Prerna’s Hair Loss Issues Became Your Solution


The HairSmart range is natural, drug-free, chemical-free and uses highest quality of clinically proven ingredients sourced from all over the world. Hairsmart is the world’s first company to combine Ayurveda + LLLT to create a powerful home-use, natural and safe product line.

To maintain optimal hair health and to regrow new hair, requires a 360 approach. We need to treat the root cause, actively help follicles regrow new hair & actively fight hair thinning. A comprehensive approach includes optimal Scalp health, halting and reversing miniaturization, boosting blood circulation, boosting follicular metabolism, reducing inflammation, pumping more nutritions in the blood supply, improving nutrient absorption by the cell, inducing and prolonging the growth phase of the follicle and fighting cell decay among other things.

With HairSmart we address all the facets of hair health. Each system is designed to give you everything you need in one place so you never have to go anywhere again for your hair wellness.

Be You Be 100% Be HairSmart