Hair Loss in Women

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Ludwig Scale

While male pattern hair loss results in balding, female pattern hair loss is characterized by diffused thinning, or loss of volume all over the scalp. Women experience thinning around temples, frontal hair line, widening of the part, and overall loss of volume. You will never hear ‘bald’, because women don’t go bald, they have diffused thinning all over. This is why, women mostly verbalize their hair loss as volume loss, and overall thinning. The good news: Hair Loss is preventible. The great news - If treated early, it’s reversible.


Identify your stage on this chart. All stages of female hair loss can be treated successful at home.


Causes of hair Loss

Just like with men, Female pattern baldness is traditionally hereditary/genetic and It’s more common after menopause. However, in modern times, females are also experiencing hair thinning much early on, and it’s caused by many lifestyle-induced factors as well. While it’s normal for women to lose 50 to 100 hairs each day, most young women experience hair thinning and hair shedding much before their hit menopause. Unlike men, women don’t go bald but have overall loss of volume and thinning, including thinning in the front/hairline/temples.


Treatment Options for Women

A number of treatments are available for male pattern hair loss. We have listed the ones that are backed by science, clinical trials and research.


Minoxidil is FDA approved to treat pattern male and female pattern hair loss in men and women., . i.e. androgenetic alopecia or AGA. It appears to convert vellus hairs, which are short, fine body hair to terminal hairs – fully developed “regular” hairs; it also appears to normalize the hair follicle, and to increase the “growth phase” of hair follicles. It is mostly applied topically on the scalp in foam, liquid or cream form. Minoxidil takes four months to one year to produce visible results. Hair loss often happens again when you stop taking the medication.

Possible side effects associated with minoxidil include dryness, irritation, burning, and scaling of the scalp. You should visit the doctor immediately if you have any of these serious side effects:

  • weight gain
  • swelling of the face, hands, ankles, or abdomen
  • trouble breathing when lying down
  • rapid heartbeat
  • chest pain
  • labored respiration


Finasteride has serious damaging effects on female reproductive organs so is not approved for Women.


A prescription medication, which can be used to treat female pattern hair loss. Spironolactone may be taken as an oral pill, or applied topically. It works to combat hair loss by inhibiting production of androgen hormones including DHT. Spironolactone is not FDA approved for treatment of hair loss but can be prescribed off-label. It should not be used by men.

Hair Transplant Surgery:

Women have diffused pattern of hair loss (loss of volume all over the scalp) vs balding in the case of men. Therefore, for the most part air transplant is not an option for women.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP):

A newer procedure for treatment of hair loss, performed in the doctor's office. PRP involves taking a small sample of blood, processing it to isolated certain cells (platelets), and re-injecting this solution into the patient's scalp. PRP is minimally invasive, generally painless, takes under an hour to complete, and can be effective in both men and women. Although research on PRP is still ongoing it is thought to promote hair re-growth via release of growth factors from the platelet cells. Other treatments such as injection of stem cells, or stromal vascular fraction may promote hair growth via a similar mechanism.

Low-Level-Laser Therapy (LLLT):

Also known as Low-Level-Light Therapy, Photobiomodulation Therapy, cold laser therapy, or laser hair therapy, LLLT is a effective, safe, and versatile, treatment for pattern hair loss in both men and women. Uniquely, LLLT does not involve drugs or surgery, is not associated with any serious averse side effects, can be used by both men and women, and can be used in combination with all other hair-loss treatments. More than 12 clinical trials, 300 research papers have been conducted on LLLT and there are more than 25 brands selling LLLT devices for hair growth. This makes LLLT the most studied and well-proven hair loss treatment in the world. Almost all medical hair loss professionals use Laser hair therapy as a indispensable component of their treatment plan.

How Does LLLT work to grow hair?