HairSmart Blogs

Hair Smart
Signs of An unhealthy Scalp

Signs of An unhealthy Scalp

A healthy scalp is a root for healthy hair. If you are looking to have a beautiful healthy looking crown of hair, you have to take care of your scalp as this is the soil in which the flowers in the form of your hair shall grow. Without the right nutrients and proper care, the scalp may become infected causing long term hair loss. Let us take a look at some of the signs of an unhealthy scalp and how they can be treated. Dandruff Dandruff happens mostly due to mild scalp infections. Several factors may be the culprit behind...

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Hair Smart
भारत में उपलब्ध बाल गिरने के गैर शल्य इलाज

भारत में उपलब्ध बाल गिरने के गैर शल्य इलाज

क्या आप सुन्दर घने बाल चाहते हैं लेकिन हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट जैसे सर्जिकल तरीकों से घबराते हैं ? आज हम आपको कुछ ऐसे गैर शल्य तरीकों के बारे में जानकारी देंगे जिससे आप ना केवल अपना बाल झड़ना रोक सकेंगे बल्कि नए बाल ऊगा पाएंगे जिससे आपके बाल घने और स्वस्थ रहेंगे ।तो चलिए एक नज़र डालते हैं उन इलाजों पर: दवाईयाँ भारत में दो दवाईयाँ हैं जो सार्वजनिक तौर पर डर्मेटोलॉजिस्ट अपने मरीज़ों को बाल झड़ने के लिख कर देते हैं - मिनोक्सिडिल और फिनस्टराइड। इन दोनों को ऍफ़.डी.ए ने सुरक्षित मान्य दिया है । मिनोक्सिडिल: यह दवाई 1950 में अलसर...

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Hair Smart
How Hormones mess with your Hair !!!

How Hormones mess with your Hair !!!

Beautiful and luscious strong locks make any woman feel sexy and confident. However, hair loss is a reality faced by almost everyone today. There are several hormonal and life imbalances that can tip off the shedding process such as menopause, giving birth to a baby or major trauma. If they can zap your energy levels and steal your healthy sex drive, they can very well impact your tresses to make them a mess. Hormonal Horrors Causing Hair loss There are several glands that secrete hormones in the blood that regulate our body functioning such as ovaries, thyroid, pancreas and many...

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Hair Smart
LLLT: Lifesaver for chemo induced Alopecia

LLLT: Lifesaver for chemo induced Alopecia

Low Level Laser therapy, commonly known as red light therapy is a revolutionary new hair loss treatment that has helped men and women worldwide to promote better hair growth. Recently, a scientific study was carried out to study the effect of this treatment on chemotherapy patients. Today, we will take a look at how it works and its effectiveness on chemo induced alopecia. More about LLLT Low Level Laser Therapy uses laser energy or light waves that are within a specific wavelength or below the specific energy level.  This helps them to work on promoting better hair growth. This therapy...

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